Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vloggin About Anime!

 Do share your opinions...


  1. plain an simple...Japan is cool and all but I think America's obsession with its culture goes at tad far at times...there are tons of other awesome places in the world, go explore em, Japan needs a friggin break lol...btw anime is the devil

  2. Very well said. If you take the beginning of anime, manga art, it was invented and it's very meaning in Japan is "throw away art". They are/were Japan's version of a comic book...but they weren't intended to be collected, boasted, ran through a billion copiers and slapped on television screens like we do here in the US. I enjoy anime personally, and I feel like everything is a duplicate of something else, but if it has nothing original about it (i.e. The difference between Pokemon and Digimon??? None) then yes it gets repetitive and boring. In short, anime, like everything else in this world, is portions. Too much, and it's a headache.

  3. Anime is definitely being copied by America. I think the main obsession of anime may be rooted through the fact that maybe the graphical scenes of anime may, indeed, "grab" the viewer and make them imagine a completely new view of what they are watching. For example, let's say a fight scene was happening. The way that the fight scenes are portrayed is placed into a more exaggerated vision, which feeds into a person's need for graphical action. I tend to think very analytical, if this doesn't make sense :-p lol
